Missing Authentication Referring URL or ID.

The Referring URL or IDs uniquely identifies the college or university that subscribes to the Catalink® service. Without the Referring URL or IDs, access to the college catalogs (PDF's) will not be available.

This can happen for the following reasons:

  1. You are using personal firewall software such as Norton Internet Security, Zone Alarm or Anonymizer that suppresses the passing of your browser information. This is also known as a PRIVACY CONTROL (which is concealing the referring URL used to authenticate your request).

    Workaround: You must temporarily disable the privacy control feature or the entire firewall in order to gain access to the catalogs. Once you have viewed the catalogs, you can enable the feature again.

  2. You found this link through a search engine such as Google, Yahoo, MSN etc. The Catalink® service cannot be accessed via a search engine result list, it must be accessed directly from the College/University website that offers the Catalink® service.

    Workaround: Go directly to the college or university website and try looking for the catalog or bulletin link there.

  3. You clicked on a bookmark in your browser's favorites or in an email that links to This page cannot be linked to directly; it must be accessed directly from the college or university website that offers the Catalink® service.

    Workaround: Go to the college or university website and try looking for the catalog or bulletin link there.

  4. The website you were on may be Using dynamic linking technology such as a drop down menu to link to the Catalink® service which tends to mask the referring URL.

    Workaround: In situations like this you can try to find an alternate link to the catalog or bulletin on their site.

If you feel that none of the above applies to your situation, please submit a Contact Us form for assistance.

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Site Last Updated: 4/12/2019